Wie rasiere ich meinen Kopf? [Aktualisierter 2023 ultimativer Leitfaden]

Wie rasiere ich meinen Kopf? [Aktualisierter 2023 ultimativer Leitfaden]

The bald head has become a new trend of beauty and it is quite popular nowadays. As people tend to simplify their lives, head shaving is one of the best ways, so that you don’t have to go to barbers, waste your time or money. You can do it by yourself, as it’s very easy and fast, neither expensive nor harmful for your health. Moreover, if you decide on shaving your head by yourself, you can do it everywhere and anytime you want.  Since you have decided on shaving your own head, here are 5 basic things you need to know:


Sollte ich mir eine Glatze schneiden?

Sollte ich mir eine Glatze schneiden?

Everything you need to know before shaving your head. If you are a male who has reached adulthood you have probably asked yourself these questions more than once. Don’t stress! You are not alone asking this question, and if you are reading this, the chances are that you still struggle to take the final decision.


Top 10 Sonnenschutzmittel für Glatze im Jahr 2023 [aktualisierte Version]

Top 10 Sonnenschutzmittel für Glatze im Jahr 2023 [aktualisierte Version]

A bald head is getting sunburn very fast, particularly when you have just shaved your head. The reason for this is the absence of hair, as hair lowers the harmful effects of the sun. Therefore it is recommended to use sunscreen for your head to avoid getting a sunburn. Sunscreen has many other functions rather than just protecting the skin from sunburn. Sunscreen shields from harmful UV rays, lowers skin cancer risks, prevents premature ageing and enhances the health of the skin. We all need the sun to gain our daily dose of vitamin D for sure, however, we are at a higher risk of being affected by the harmful UV rays as the ozone layer has been partially damaged. Thus it is important to put the sunscreen on before getting out of our homes to actually block these harmful rays from penetrating the skin and triggering skin disorders.
